Tuesday, February 4, 2020

First Biden Event and NH GOP HQ

2nd Biden HQ
Selfie with Biden students

  This was an afternoon that I would never forget. On this afternoon, we went to the NH GOP HQ and they told us how they strategized getting out the vote using Facebook. It was a change of scenery to be sure, but it was not bad. After that we were dropped off at our second HQ in downtown Manchester. We were in charge of decorating the place and I must say we did a pretty good job. We had to wait until we were picked up because we had out first event in Concord. When we got to Concord, we were split up and in charge of different things. I had to put of the signs that would go out front as well as give each person waiting in line a Biden sticker. It got really chilly outside so I was shivering underneath the night sky. Once we did end up inside, we had to direct everybody to their seats and make space for the press. Biden was late to the event, and I was getting antsy. Once he did get there though, it was awesome. First, the person who introduced him told people that she was extremely grateful for the Violence Against Women Act because it helped her through tough times. He got out and gave an energetic speech on what it is going to take to defeat Trump in 2020. After the event ended, we waited in line to see him. Once I shook his hand, I got super nervous and did not say a lot. He did ask me what my name was and I responded with Manuel. He called me Ben, so he must of not heard me which was hilarious. Anyway, it was an amazing night because I got to meet my political hero and now I am changing my name to Ben. 
Dr. McLauchlan, Biden, and students with RTWH2020 shirt

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